IW3SGT home page: www.iw3sgt.it 
2021 - 630nm/476THz (red light) experiments - lens test   -    work in progress 
2021 - 630nm/476THz (red light) experiments - QUBO V2
2020 - 630nm/476THz (red light) experiments - photodiode comparison test
2020 - My QRS CW course with ON-AIR lessons
2020 - IW3SGT/IS0 Buggerru (SU) Sardinia
2019 - Experiments on 160m band with only 30W and 15m horizontal wire
2019 - 630nm/476THz (red light) experiments - PDRX I>V converter for photodiode RX
2019 - 630nm/476THz (red light) experiments - LASER reflection and QUBO tests 
2019 - IW3SGT/IN3 Vigo di Fassa (TN)
2018 - Eventi registrati con il mio sismografo nel 2018 - 2018 Earthquakes capture by IW3SGT
2018 - 630nm/476THz (red light) experiments - TX HW update (CREE LED) 
2018 - IW3SGT/P 432MHz JN65ts (IAC)
2018 - IW3SGT/P HF JN65wp (Contest Sezioni)
2017 - Eventi registrati con il mio sismografo nel 2017 - 2017 Earthquakes capture by IW3SGT
2017 - Mappa su Google Maps con le referenze SOTA Trieste e i 22 WW Locator della Provincia di Trieste
2017 - 630nm/476THz (red light) experiments - RX HW update (Fresnel lens) 
2017 - PIC BOARD V4
2017 - Nuova interfaccia per i modi digitali
2017 - CT7/IW3SGT Carvoeiro Algarve Portugal
2016 - Eventi registrati con il mio sismografo nel 2016 - 2016 Earthquakes capture by IW3SGT
2016 - Un Sismografo con Theremino e Dolquake
2016 - Appunti su terremoti, scale Richter/Mercalli, onde sismiche/sismogrammi/sismografi, placche, faglie e pericolosità sismica
2016 - WASQ TS - Worked All SQuares of Trieste
2016 - SOTA TS - Summits On The Air Trieste
2016 - TAW - Trieste Acticity Week, una piccola maratona radio a livello locale
2015 - 630nm/476THz (red light) experiments 
2015 - experiments with a compact frame loop for 80m and 160m 
2015 - new 28.322 MHz QRPP beacon
2015 - 16F887 PIC board (old, see 2017) 
2015 - 630m band 5-15W amplifier 
2014 - HF 5W /10 and /100 divider for 630m and 2200m 
2013 - QRP amplifier for LF/MF (630m and 2200m) 
2013 - QRSS keyer PIC based 
2013 - RTX S-METER comparison at LF-MF with a simple marker 
2013 - MFJ 259 LF/MF mods 
2012 - interfaces for digital modes (old)   
2011 - Iniziare con eQSL
2010 - my LF loop story 
2009 - HF QRSS experiments
2009 - IW3SGT/P Emergency Communications Tests
2008 - Stazione della Protezione Civile a Palmanova (UD)
2008 - IW3SGT/P Emergency Communications Tests
2007 - 28.322370 MHz QRPP beacon (old)  
VLF H field RX 
IW3SGT home page: www.iw3sgt.it 




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