VLF radio signals

14.881 kHz (small lines) ALPHA SIGNAL recorded at home 30 DIC 1998 20.30 UTC - square loop (50 turn, 1.25 mt side) with the PC sound card.

The first line is Krasnodar station (45 24 17.9N - 38 09 29.0E), the second and third ones are Novosibirsk station (55 45 22.0N - 84 26 52.4E).

The Komsomolskamur station, was not visible.

The lower and upper lines are 50 Hz noise.



11.905 - 12.649 - 14.881 kHz - ALPHA SIGNAL - 03 AUG 2000 16:17 UTC - recorded with the 1 mt loop, VLF H-RX and PC sound card (Compaq Armada).

The station was Krasnodar (45 24 17.9N - 38 09 29.0E - high signals) and Novosibirsk (55 45 22.0N - 84 26 52.4E weak signals).


18.1 kHz UFQE station (RTTY 50 Hz shift, Matotchinchar - Russia) - recorded with the 1 mt loop, VLF H-RX and PC sound card.

Signals around 20 kHz - 28 AUG 2000 21.18 UTC - recorded with the 1 mt loop, VLF H-RX and PC sound card (Compaq Armada).

19.5-19.6 kHz (300°-120°) RTTY GBZ - UK

20.15-20.35 kHz (310°-130°) unknown

20.8-21 kHz (290°-110°) unknown

13.370 kHz signal - 03 SET 2000 15.53 UTC - recorded with the 1 mt loop, VLF H-RX and PC sound card (Compaq Armada) The other signals were the ALPHA.

Unknown signals. 1623 and 1658 Hz - 07 AUG 2000 21.30 UTC - recorded with 1 mt loop, VLF H-RX and PC sound card (Compaq Armada).

Unknown signal near 18 kHz - 24 DIC 2007 06.14 UTC - recorded with 1 mt loop, VLF H-RX and PC sound card (desktop PC)

SAQ (http://www.alexander.n.se/) at 17.2 kHz - 24 DIC 2007 09.01 UTC- recorded with 1 mt loop, VLF H-RX and PC sound card (desktop PC)